Established in July 1997 as the School of Public Health and Health Services, Milken Institute School of Public Health is the only school of public health in the nation’s capital and is committed to excellence in scholarship to advance the health of the populations of our local, national, and global communities.
The Geiger Gibson Program in Community Health Policy is a special initiative located at the Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University, part of its Department of Health Policy and Management, and the academic home of the RCHN Community Health Foundation Research Collaborative. It was established in 2004 to honor Drs. H. Jack Geiger and Count Gibson, pioneers in community health practice and tireless advocates for civil and human rights. It shares the core mission of the community health centers program: to eliminate medical underservice and disparities in population health and health care and improve health and health care for all persons. Through academic training at the master’s and doctoral level and research and scholarship on critical health policy issues affecting health centers and medically underserved populations the Geiger Gibson Program aims to develop the next generation of community health leaders and support the in-depth study of community health centers.